NameWalden University
What challenges do you anticipate you will face in your doctoral program? What strategieswill you apply to work through these challenges in your doctoral journey?
As a doctoral student, I know I will face challenges from professional to extracurricularactivities. I also know that these challenges will go a long way to strengthen my resolve tosucceed.Given that this is the very first time I am engaging in intense, full time online study, Ianticipate that I will face the challenge of transitioning from the traditional way of having aprofessor frequently impart knowledge directly in class to focusing on study online indirectlectures. Concerning the issue of transition from the traditional, face-to-face way of study toonline, I believe that I will need to strengthen my focus on establishing strong links withadvisors, mentors and other relationships that will facilitate this transition. In addition, giventhat, as Pifer, M. J., & Baker highlight in their article (Baker & Pifer, 2016), students andsupervisors do not always share the same point of view with regards to their roles andexpectations, I really hope to establish and solidify my relevant academic relationships to makesure the ambiguity and misunderstanding that often hinder or slow down progress is addressed.Moreover, because doctoral work is heavy, it can create a situation where time spent withfamily is reduced, especially during the research phase. It can also foster isolation from familyand loved ones as a result of the many hours spent in research and writing. On this issue, I amdetermined to establishing a proactive and intentional effort of communication both at the familyand professional level. I will intentionally let my family know about my work load, establishappropriate, clear, time-boundaries with them while making the effort to appropriately balance
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study and family. I will also engage my fellow mates in school not only by forming andbelonging to study groups but also by establishing informal support and friendships. (Aitchison,2009; Martinsuo & Turkulainen, 2011; Pilbeam, Lloyd Jones, & Denyer, 2013).ReferencesAitchison, C. (2009).Writing groups for doctoral education. Studies in Higher Education, 34(8),905-916.Pifer, M. J., & Baker, V. L. (2016).Stage-based challenges and strategies for support in doctoraleducation: A practical guide for students, faculty members, and program administrators.International Journal of Doctoral Studies, 11, 15-34. Retrieved from